Climate change education
Scientific knowledge on climate change, as well as how to reduce greenhouse emissions and adapt across all sectors of society, is key to the future of NSW. Students must have access to high-quality educational resources that allow them to understand the basics and impacts of climate change, and empower them to be part of creating a more climate-resilient future.
This page outlines how the AdaptNSW site can be used in the classroom and links to other relevant content material and NSW Government educational resources. It's important to note that while climate change has generally been taught through the subject areas of Science and Geography, this knowledge is becoming increasingly important for Business Studies and Economics. AdaptNSW provides the following information.
- The Impacts of climate change can be investigated across eight major areas including bushfires, cultural values, water resources, agriculture, sea level rise, health and wellbeing and the economy.
- Tailored, locally relevant climate information is available for NSW, the ACT, and the 10 NSW planning regions via an interactive climate projections map, and regional climate change snapshots. This includes projections for a range of climate variables such as temperature and rainfall.
- How climate change is affecting households, business, community groups, state and local government, and what these sectors can do to adapt to climate change and reduce their impact on the environment.
- Case studies and stories of how NSW community groups and local councils are adapting to climate change.
With over 100 pages of content, each with related information - it's important to take the time to explore the site and see what you can use for your teaching practice.
NSW Syllabus Links
There is potential for climate change adaptation to be taught throughout the K – 6 primary curriculum; however, most of the content on AdaptNSW is better suited to High School students. The following provides some examples of High school subject areas where climate change and climate change adaptation can be taught.
Stage 5 Science
Earth and Space
Stage 6 Earth and Environmental Science
Climate Science
Stage 6 Agriculture
Climate Challenge
Farming for the 21st century
Relevant AdaptNSW web pages
Observed global climate change
Observed Australian and NSW climate change
Impacts of climate change (with many other sub-pages such as bushfires, floods, etc)
Impacts of climate change on agriculture
In the NSW syllabus, climate change impacts and adaptation can be taught through most of Stage 4 – 6 Geography Curriculum. Specific examples include:
Stage 4: Water in the World and Interconnections.
Stage 5: Sustainable Biomes and Environmental Change and Management.
Stage 6: Global Challenges (Year 11) and Ecosystems at Risk (Year 12).
Geography elective (Stage 4/5)
Physical Geography
Global Citizenship
Relevant AdaptNSW web pages
NSW Government action on climate change
Impacts of climate change (with many other sub-pages such as bushfires, floods, etc)
Community groups and climate change
Stage 6 Economics
Preliminary Topic Six – Government and the Economy
Relevant AdaptNSW web pages
NSW Government action on climate change
Stage 6 Business Studies
Climate change can be incorporated into Risk – which can be taught at several stages in the Stage 6 Business Studies curriculum.
Relevant AdaptNSW web pages
Impacts of climate change on our economy
Stage 6 Society and Culture
Preliminary course - Climate change can be incorporated into The Social and Cultural World
Climate change can be incorporated into Social and Cultural Continuity and Change, along with the Personal Interest Project if a student's chosen topic aligns with climate adaptation.
Relevant AdaptNSW web pages
Community groups and climate change
Climate change effects on community groups
Impacts of climate change on our economy
The cross-curriculum priority of Sustainability also provides the opportunity for weaving teaching about climate change into other subject areas such as English and Maths.
Related Information
Art based climate resilience toolkit - Meg Parsons and Susanne Pratt
Our Weather and Climate and Australian Climate Influences – Bureau of Meteorology
Climate Kelpie – Grains Research & Development Corporation
Video overview of the Australian climate in 2020 - CSIRO and the Bureau of Meteorology
NASA Climate Kids Website - NASA
Fight for Planet A – Taking action on climate change - ABC Education
ABC Education – Big weather and how to survive it - ABC Education
Climate Classroom - Monash University
Understanding climate change - ABC Behind the News
Mt Resilience - Australian Museum
The mountain-pygmy possum: On the edge - NSW National Parks
Tweed Sand Bypassing Schools Package - NSW Transport
NSW Department of Primary Industries Education Links
Sustainability Connect - one-stop sustainability education directory in NSW