Thank you for participating in the 2019 AdaptNSW Annual Forum and for being a catalyst for increasing resilience towards changing climate. Close to 200 participants from government, industry, academia, consultants and not for profit sectors attended the Forum.
Together we built and shared knowledge on adapting to climate change in NSW, managing risks and minimising impacts on our communities.
Below are the presentations form the day which our speakers have kindly shared.
Presentations from AdaptNSW 2019 Forum
Adaptive Farming
Your NSW Government Adaptation Actions
Dr Jason Crean, NSW Department of Primary Industries (PDF 453KB)
Stephen Bygrave, Climate Resilience and Net Zero Emissions, DPIE (PDF 3.56MB)
Breakout 1: Cultural and ecosystem adaptations in action
Breakout 2: Managing climate risks
Breakout 3: Multiple benefits of adaptation actions
The multiple benefits of mangroves by Jeff Kelleway, University of Wollongong (PDF 2.03MB)
Developing climate resilient communities by Sean Kahn, Frasers Property Australia (PDF 1.51MB)